We’re on a mission to help every young person connect to their digital lives. With dignity.


Welcome to
The Kids Are Online.

A hub for diverse communities across America that are uniting to close the digital divide for young people.

Together, we can help communities:

For all kids to have the same opportunity for a thriving future, they need equitable access to emerging technologies and the skills to use them. Our economy is growing ever-more digital, and rising generations who don’t have the tools to participate won’t have the same chance at success.

Find an approach that fits your community’s needs.

usa map


Small towns and big cities, urban centers and rural expanses. Community leaders are taking on a national problem at the local level, creating innovations unique to their environments.

school building


Nonprofits, libraries, schools, businesses, and more. All are offering ideas, talent, funding, and technology to their communities.

computer services illustration


From device access to digital literacy. Communities are improving affordability, distribution, and skills-building around the country.

Inspire Others

How are you connecting young people in your area to their digital lives?
Share your story, and it could inspire connection in someone else’s community.
Submit your story, and we might feature it!

The Kids Are Online is a project of Aspen Digital. Get to know this Aspen Institute program at AspenDigital.org.